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Are you a carer?

It is important that we know if you are a carer so that we can make sure you receive information, services and the help that is available.
– Do you look after someone who is sick, disabled or elderly/frail?
– Would they struggle to live in their home without your help?
– Are they a parent, child, partner, relative, friend or neighbour?
– Are you – or is someone you know providing much-needed care for a loved one?
– Are you unpaid and acting voluntarily?
– Are you juggling work alongside your caring role?

If so, you are a carer and we would like to support you.
We can provide you with up to date information on available support to make things easier.

We can put you in touch with the Reading and West Berkshire Carers Hub who support carers on a day to day basis in a huge variety of ways, personal to your circumstances.
– As a carer you will be invited for an annual flu vaccination at the surgery.
– As a carer your health and well being is very important and you will be invited for a health check (if you haven’t had one in the last five years).

Complete our carer’s registration online form.

  • Carers UK

    Caring can be extremely complicated. The maze of rights and entitlements can be complicated. Filling in paperwork can be complicated. Getting a break can be complicated. Our feelings about caring can certainly be complicated.

    Carers UK are here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.

    Their expert telephone advice and support service is here if you want to talk about caring. If you’re looking for answers, their online information and support is the best place to start.
    0808 808 7777

    Carers UK


  • Social care and support guide

    If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.

    NHS: Social care and support guide

  • Carer’s Trust

    Carers Trust provides a range of support and services which can be accessed via the Carers Hub – funded by Reading Borough Council, West Berkshire Council, North & West Reading ICB, South Reading ICB and Newbury & District ICB.

    By contacting the helpdesk on 0118 324 7333, you can speak to an experienced support worker who will provide a personalised service that meets your individual needs.

  • Audio Described Performance at the Watermill

    Audio Description paints a picture of what is happening on stage for audience members who are blind or partially sighted.

    The audio describer uses the natural pauses in the action to deliver a live narration to the listener’s personal head-set (provided by The Watermill).

    Before every AD performance at The Watermill, a free Touch Tour at 1pm gives guests the chance to explore the production’s set, costumes and props. Tickets are £29 (£27 concessions).

    To book, please call 01635 46044 or email

    Thanks to generous support from Greenham Trust we may be able to help West Berkshire residents with their travel. Please email

  • Berkshire Care Services Directory

    The independent guide to care and support in Berkshire.

    Berkshire Care Services Directory

  • The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire

    The Princess Royal Trust for Carers in Hampshire is part of a network of 144 Carer Centres in the UK. The network is co-ordinated by The Carers Trust.

    01264 835246


  • Care Choices

    Information about finding care and support for adults and elderly relatives.

    Care Choices

  • Getting informed, getting prepared

    First steps to finding care and support for older people.

    Getting informed, getting prepared

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 5 November 2024