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Dr Heather Howells, female

MB. BS. MRCGP. DRCOG. DCH. DFFP (Reg. Lond.2000)

I trained at St Marys medical school in Paddington and did my GP VTS training at the Royal Berks. I joined Kintbury and Woolton Hill surgery as a GP registrar in 2003 and have been here ever since!

I have special interests in women’s health, family planning and contraception and menopause care and am a coil fitter. I also have a special interest in mental health and learning disability care and work one day a week as the GP clinical lead for BOB in these fields.

I am a GP trainer and help to train GP registrars who you may often see in practice.

My main working days are as follows:

  • Monday – all day
  • Tuesday – all day
  • Thursday – GP clinical lead for BOB ICB day
  • Friday – all day

Outside of work I am kept busy by my two teenage children, my husband and dog and I love to run and have recently run my 4th marathon.

Dr Lucy Hobby, female

BM. DRCOG. (Reg. London, 1993)

I qualified St Thomas’s and Guys Hospital in 1992. I joined the surgery at Kintbury and Woolton Hill in 2001. I have 4 grown-up children and am married to an Upper Limb specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon who works at North Hampshire Hospital. I usually work all day Mondays and Thursday mornings at Woolton Hill and Thursday afternoons at Kintbury.

I am happy to see all areas of General Practice but am especially interested in dermatology and joint injections for carpal tunnel syndrome, pain and arthritis, either after consulting with myself, one of the other doctors or our musculoskeletal specialist Dr Toks Aluko.

Dr Naomi Manser, female

BA (Oxon) BMBCh. MRCP. MRCGP. DRCOG (Reg.Oxford 2004)

I am currently available at the practice all day Monday, Tuesday and Friday. I have a special interest in cancer and dementia, however, am happy to assist patients with all areas of general practice.

Dr James Fox, male

MBChB. MRCGP (Reg. Sheffield 2009)

I am currently available at the practice all day Mondays, Tuesday and Wednesday. I don’t consider myself to have a special interest and am happy to assist patients will all aspects of their care. I am the practice lead for hypertension and COPD and am also the lead GP within the practice of our local PCN Network.

Dr Kate Helyer, female

MBChB. MRCGP. DCH. DRCOG (Reg.Sheffield 1997)

Salaried GPs

Dr Amy Crofts, female

BMBS. BMedSci. MRCGP. DFSRH (Reg Nottingham 2009)

I qualified from Nottingham University in 2009 and then came back down south to do my foundation training. In order to gain some experience and have a bit of an adventure I then went and worked in a rural South African hospital for a year.

I did my GP training in Ealing, West London, and worked in the practice I trained before making the move to a more rural setting with my husband and two young children.

My other role is one day a week for the ICB in North West London as a Named GP for Children’s Safeguarding.

Having done my diploma in sexual health and reproduction while working at St Mary’s Hospital, Paddington, I have a special interest in this area.

I’m looking forward to settling into life as a more rural GP.

My usual working days are all day Thursday and Friday.

Dr Philip Warrilow-Wilson, male


I have recently moved to the area, and feel very fortunate to have joined such a lovely traditional practice.

Early on in my career I developed a special interest in paediatrics, extending my training to complete a fellowship in a children’s emergency department. After qualifying, I became GP lead for children and young people in my local area, working with hospital paediatricians to bridge the gap between community and hospital services by setting up a shared clinic in the GP surgery.

Having settled into life as a rural GP I am now looking forward to building on my experience and improving integrated care for children in our community.

Dr Carol Oakley, female


I qualified at Southampton 1989. I was a GP in Crowthorne for just over 30 years along with my husband, who is also a GP. We moved to this area in 2021 having retired from our practice. I wished to continue in general practice, initially working locum sessions for Kintbury and Woolton Hill practice and then joined as a salaried GP December 2023. I usually work Monday and Tuesday mornings.

I enjoy all aspects of general practice, but am especially interested in child and female health and impact of lifestyle on wellbeing. I am also a qualified Hatha yoga teacher.

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Named GP