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Patient Participation Group

Kintbury and Woolton Hill PPGs meet quarterly to discuss issues relating to healthcare provision in the local community and services provided by the surgery.

The groups aim to ensure that patients of the practice are involved in decisions about the range and quality of services provided for and in future commissioned by the practice. It also seeks to establish areas of concern for patients which may be voiced and influenced.

The PRGs will work with other parties from time to time, depending on the nature of the objective. These might be PPGs in neighbouring practices, local commissioning and patient panels, charities or supporting services.

Patient input and thoughts are very important to the practice and the GPs. As patients and carers you have a good understanding of what affects you and your family and what services will be of help to you.

Join our Patient Participation Group

It is important for the PPG to get wider patient participation in order that clear objectives can be set according to feedback representative of the surgery population.

We are encouraging patients to give their views about how the practice is doing. We would like to be able to find out the opinions of as many patients as possible and are asking if people would like to provide their email addresses so we can contact you by email every now and again to ask you a question or two.

If you are interested in leaving your email details or would like to be contacted by post:

PPG documentation

2024 minutes
2023 minutes
GP patient survey 2022